Erandawane, Karve Road, Pune, MH., India 411 004

Residential Child Care Facility (RCCF)

The Residential Child Care Facility (RCCF) is for about 200 children. The children are grouped together according to their age. Each of these groups is identified by a name and is supervised by housemothers, who affectionately care for each of the children and ensure that the children have their food, baths, maintain good health and overall hygiene and are also involved in other related activities.
In this facility the children sleep on thick quilts laid out on the ground and which is rolled up and stacked daily. Each child is provided with safe shelter bedding, clothing, soap, oil and breakfast, lunch, an evening snack after school and dinner.
Children have warm water baths due to the installed solar heating systems.
Depending on the study schedule, they are permitted to play indoor/outdoor games, read, listen music or view TV on week-ends and holidays.

Other Services & Facilities In-House:

I) Infirmary

Covid Camp
We have a 10 bed Infirmary which includes an isolation ward, dispensary.
This unit is run with the help of honorary medical doctors and resident nurses. The Clinics are held twice a week and we look after about 80% of the sick ‘in-house’.
Complicated or serious cases are referred to specialists in one of the reputed hospitals in Pune.
Every child is also given a quarterly/monthly check-up to ensure that are in good health.

II) Kitchen

Nutrition & Diet of the children is as per the laid down norms. We have a full-fledged style kitchen, where preparation of food is done.
The fuel used for cooking is LPG. The kitchen is run by staff working in shifts, they are responsible for preparation of sufficient, fresh and well balanced food for the children.
This also includes special diets for sick and under nourished children if any.